A few weeks ago I received an invitation to attend a party celebrating the work of some local volunteers, which I was all too willing to accept. The guests of honor at yesterday’s party were very special and quite hairy.

They included a Great Pyrenees named Wotan,

a beautiful whippet named Zoe,

two long-haired dachshunds named Pippin and Max,

a very laid-back black lab named Jibar,

an Akita mix named Shilo,

two English Setters named Paloma and Spencer,

an adorable rescued terrier mix named Sam,

a Bouvier named Willow,

a greyhound named Freddie, whose mom obviously loves him,

and a Shih Tzu named Bear.

All are volunteers with the pet therapy program at one of our local hospitals and provide the most important medicine possible… love. Knock on wood that I never have to be hospitalized, but if I do, I’d like to put my request in now for each and every one of them to stop by and visit.