Something so exciting happened here on Wednesday evening that I just had to tweet about it. 

Morning Bray Farm

@MorningBrayFarm Morning Bray Farm
SO excited. Big breakthrough with Nigel. He’s discovered he LOVES having the inside of his ears rubbed. He’s actually asking to be touched. 

I’m not sure how it happened, but Nigel was totally okay with it when I started rubbing inside his ears.  Actually, he was much more than okay with it.

When I stopped, he approached me so I could rub his ears some more.

And getting this close to his face with mine?  Never would have happened before. I admit I shed a tear when he allowed me to kiss his face.

And, if that wasn’t enough excitement for one day, check out Miss Gracie Belle. Yesterday was her three-week anniversary at Morning Bray Farm.

And Patrick… taking after Bernard with his mischief.

Oh, how we love them all. ♥