
2008 – 2011

Our beautiful pocket burro,

We will always love you.


My name is Fergus.  I’m a wild burro adopted from the Bureau of Land Management out of Canon City, Colorado. I was born in 2008. I came to Morning Bray Farm on April 16, 2010.

Posts featuring Fergus:

97 Responses to “Fergus (2008 – July 15, 2011)”

  1. Nancy in NC Says:

    Oh my gosh! You brought him home on my birthday!


    1. Morning Bray Says:


      Well, Happy Belated Birthday! You now officially share a birthday with Fergus and Nigel. 🙂 How cool is that?


  2. MeMaw14 Says:

    Fergus is so handsome with doelike eyes and white rims around his ears! what’s that mark on his neck?


    1. Morning Bray Says:


      Have a look here: http://www.the7msnranch.com/2009/06/mysterious-case-of-missing-freeze.html

      This link will explain what freeze marks or freeze brands are. 🙂


      1. MeMaw Says:

        Memaw misses you so much and I’m glad that you were part of our family and knowing that you were so much loved and cared by your parents. Thank you for giving me so much fun when I took care of you and your brothers last April while your parents were away. Happy journey to the Donkeys’ Heaven!


  3. Anonymous Says:

    I’m sorry — He was a joy – along with his brothers – fond memories


  4. the7msnranch Says:

    Oh, Fergus…you brought such joy and happiness to Morning Bray Farm. You will forever be in our hearts.


  5. Lauri Says:

    Thinking of you and the boys with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes.


  6. GK, Ry, Shelley and I say thank you to Fergus for showing us some real donkey love. We will miss you sweet boy.


  7. Diane Says:

    Oh….oh…I am so sorry for your heartbreak, but so grateful for your big heart that brought Fergus to you in the first place.


  8. Anne Boleyn Says:

    I’m so very sad to learn this sad news. He was so blessed to have been in your loving care.


  9. Anonymous Says:

    That sweet donkey boy was so loved! He was lucky to have met you, and you lucky to have met him. Much love to you guys. xoxo


  10. Danni Says:

    Fergus, you sweet, gentle, beautiful boy – I promise to always think of you with a smile on my face.


  11. horsegirl Says:

    Such a sweet donkey boy. He was so loved – you were lucky to have met him, and he was lucky to have met you. Much love to you guys. xoxo


  12. horsegirl Says:

    Forgot to add my most favorite Dr. Suess quote for you –“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”


  13. cctxranch Says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry. May you hold great memories and know that you gave him a wonderful home and brothers!


  14. Kellee Says:

    I am very sorry to hear about Fergus! My thoughts are with you and your family!


  15. Alice McKay Says:

    I’m just so sorry to hear this sad news. Thinking of you all at MBF. Fergus will be missed by all his friends, two and four leggeds alike, and by his internet “fans” from far away. Thanks for sharing him with us all, we’ve been blessed to know Fergus from afar.


  16. Judith Says:

    Fergus did have the most beautiful eyes and loving soul. My heart aches for Nigel and the loss of his BFF.


  17. Heather Says:

    I’m very sorry for your loss, how heartbreaking to lose a family member. You’ll be in my thoughts.



  18. C in WI Says:

    This is beyond sad news. He was such a beautiful boy, and we all loved him very much. We’ll miss you sweet Fergus.

    Hugs to you, Don and Justina, and the other burro brothers. We’re crying with you today…


  19. Kathy Says:

    My heart broke when I read the news. My condolences to your family.


  20. janitabean Says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this sad news. My heart aches for you and your family. My prayers are with you.


  21. sigrid Says:

    I’m so sorry Justina and Don.


  22. I am so sorry. It is always so hard to lose a beloved family member. I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to lose such a young one, so suddenly and unexpectedly.




  23. Di Says:

    I’m stunned and heartbroken over this loss. *wrapping my arms around you and sending a hug* Such a young sweet burro he was. 😦


  24. JudyB Says:

    Oh, Justina and Don, I’m so very, very sorry. You’re in my thoughts and prayers, and I send huge hugs to you all — with special hugs to Nigel.


  25. KarenTX Says:

    So sorry for your loss, Fergus was a handsome boy. So hard to lose a friend.


  26. Steph Says:

    ((((HUGS)))) to all of you today. So sorry to hear about your sweet little boy. The rainbow bridge welcomed a special donkey today.


  27. Sheila Says:

    So sorry to hear about the loss of beautiful Fergus. Our thought are with everyone at Morning Bray Farms.


  28. Denise Says:

    This is so heartbreaking. Those of us who are “keepers of the animals” here on Earth get to experience the amazing joy they bring to our lives. Sadly, we also experience deep losses along the way. I am so so sorry for your loss. Sending you a big donkey hug from me and my boys.


  29. LindaG Says:

    Sorry to hear of your loss. *Hugs* ♥


  30. CeeCee Says:

    Justina and Don, I’m so very sorry for your loss. I wish I could be there to hug you both. It’s so horrible to lose any animal, especially one that is so much a part of your daily life. I hope the other boys will be okay with their loss. Donkeys are such gentle souls.


  31. Samantha K Says:

    I’m so terribly sorry…what a dear face.


  32. Pattie Says:

    How sad and what a loss. I am sure he will always pull at your heartstrings – sending my heartfelt wishes for good memories and thoughts going ahead. RIP Fergus.


  33. Marcia Says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. I know you all brought such joy to his life while he was with you and he brought joy to you all. He is one of the burros who Keeping everyone at Morning Bray in our thoughts and prayers.


  34. Diane from NC Says:

    So sorry. I share your feelings. I have recently lost a special friend and companion of 14 years. Take comfort in knowing you gave him love and affection and wonderful care. He will always be a smile in your heart when you remember him. God bless.


  35. Connie Says:

    I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you and all the furry family members.


  36. Sue Says:

    My heart breaks for you all. Hang on to all of those happy memories and know that Fergus experienced donkey heaven on earth. Now he has just moved on to donkey heaven in the sky.


  37. Deb Says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. I have been following this blog from its inception and have always admired how much you love and care for your animals. Fergus had a short life, but with you, he had an incredible life. Thank you for sharing his life with us. He will be greatly missed.


  38. Rosanne Says:

    Dear sweet Fergus, You will be missed by so many. Don and Justina, please accept my condolences and give all the burro brothers extra hugs and kisses from me. Hugs to you all.


  39. Tamara Says:

    I am so, so sorry for you all.


  40. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Fergus. I understand the feelings that goes with it. I have been there. My thoughts are with you and your family. It is wonderful Fergus had such a loving family. I know he will be missed every day.


  41. Michaele Says:

    Very sorry for your loss. He was beautiful.


  42. Carol Lane Says:

    Oh my!! My prayers go out to the Morning Bray Farm family. I am saddened and heartbroken over your loss. Fergus was well loved by many people and will be missed.


  43. Estella from Co. Says:

    Lots of hugs and sweet prayers to you all. I bet you have LOTS of FUN memories that you can always keep in your hearts. You did a WONDERFUL job of making his life the best it could be for a donkey. Have peace of heart….God Bless


  44. Pia Says:

    So sad news today… I have no words Justina. Fergus is not longer with the other boys, I cant´t believe. I will miss him in your posts.
    My thoughts are with you, Don and all the animals on Morning Bray Farm.


  45. Lilla Says:

    Oh, Justina and Don! I am so sorry. I agree with what everyone else has said….how lucky Fergus was to be a part of your family, even if for a short time. I know he will be missed deeply, but hold on to all the happy memories of that sweet boy and hug your other kids a bit tighter in his honor.


  46. Tara Says:

    So sorry about your lovely little guy, 😦


  47. gramps Says:

    There are no words======


  48. Kristie Says:

    My heart is breaking for all of you. He will be greatly missed by everyone.


  49. Anonymous Says:

    We are so sorry! Please accept the Washington part of the collective big hug to you all.


  50. Sue Says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, yet I am so happy that Fergus got to spend this time at MBF. I asked Carson to give ALL of you hugs when she sees you, so, until then, please accept a virtual hug from this humble blogger. ((((( )))))
    God bless you for the love you show these wonderful creatures 🙂


  51. Jutta Donath Says:

    I am sorry I never met Fergus, but my heart goes out to you. I know the strange combined pain of loss and gratitude. It is so very sad to lose a beloved animal, yet we are so grateful to have shared time with that gentle being. My thoughts are with you.


  52. crazymimi23 Says:

    So sorry for you loss!


  53. crazymimi23 Says:

    I’m not only crazy, I can’t spell either!


  54. Carolynn Says:

    Justina, I’m so very sorry to learn of this horribly sad news. I’m in shock and can only imagine how you and Don must be coping. I feel honoured that I had the opportunity to meet Fergus and my visit to Morningbray Farm is among my most treasured experiences. I’m going to go have a cry now.

    Warm Hug to you,


  55. Patience Says:

    So saddened to hear of your loss. He was one magnificent creature. Sending hugs to you….


  56. Farmer Jen Says:

    I know the intimate heartbreak of losing an animal friend that you love dearly. Find comfort knowing that Fergus is really still with you. His spirit lives on with you, only his body is gone now. Hugs & Love to all of you at Morning Bray.


  57. Phaedra96 Says:

    I was so sorry to read about the loss of Fergus. Any idea what happened? He was so young; what a terrible thing to happen.


  58. Mikey Says:

    I’m so very sorry for your loss. What a sweet, kind soul, gone much too soon. Heartbreaking.


  59. Auntie Em Says:

    So sorry to hear the news. But remember, he will be with you forever in your hearts.


  60. gazelle Says:

    What a terrible shock for you to suddenly lose your lovely young boy Fergus. I’ve been visiting your MBF Blog from the beginning and well remember the day he chose you good people to spend the rest of his life with. What a clever boy he was even then ! So sorry that it turned out to be such a short time that you got to spend together.

    My deepest condolences to both of you, and to his Burro brother Nigel and other Donkey friends. He’ll be waiting for all of you at The Rainbow Bridge. <>


  61. Nancy in Iowa Says:

    I am so sorry! I just learned about Fergus from Linda Carson, and I know all of you are stunned. He was a beautiful boy.

    With hugs to all, 2- and 4-legged ones,



  62. ValerieB Says:

    Blessings to you all for being such a good family for Fergus. My thoughts are with you on this sad day.


  63. Colleen G Says:

    Justina & Don – My heart aches for you and I am so sorry about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Fergus had a wonderful, happy and joyful life with you. Take comfort in the happiness he brought to you and that you brought to him. Much love to all of you.


  64. Lori W Says:

    Isn’t it funny that no matter how much fur and feathers are running around our places, each one is a unique, wonderful treasure. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved family member.


  65. Kathy Says:

    So sorry for you loss. Its clear Fergus had a wonderful donkey life with you and your family. Sending hugs.


  66. Paula Says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. He was such a sweet, handsome fellow.


  67. Sue Webber Says:

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
    There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…. RIP Fergus ♥


  68. John Says:

    I am so sorry for your loss of Fergus. I wish he had been able to spend more time with your family.


  69. Annette Says:

    I am so so so sorry and sad to read this post. He was taken from you so soon, so young. We lost a burro for unknown reasons – one day healthy, then gone. No temp, no reduced appetite, no nothing, just a runny nose. It still haunts me years later. It’s just wrong to lose them when they are young, isn’t it? Hang in there. You guys take great care of your burros. His short life was blessed.


  70. It is a sad time when we lose a member of our “critter family” . . . may your memories of life with Fergus bring smiles rather than tears. He was blessed to have been adopted by Morning Bray Farm.


  71. Cyndi Says:

    I was so shocked to read about your loss. I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose a fuzzy friend.


  72. Anonymous Says:

    sending you all lots of hugs and healing vibes…


  73. jewelee Says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about dear Fergus. One would only need to spend a few minutes on your blog for Fergus to capture your heart.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the loving creatures at Morning Bray.


  74. I am so sorry. My heart breaks for Nigel. A big hug to you:(


  75. Sherry Says:

    Justina & Don,
    I am so very sorry about Fergus… When Deb let me know I was heartbroken for you both. As I am sure alot of people are. I’ve noticed other mention the “Rainbow bridge” and I truly believe that is where he has gone… To run in the great beyond with no cares, just beautiful friends of all kinds to play with.

    Just last night I was with my sister & one of her “fuzzies” Jazmin who was passing and told her that she needed to go because among many others, she had a great sweet new friend named Fergus waiting to meet her.
    Thank you Fergus for once again being there when someone needed that sweet innocent energy to come too.
    We will miss you but know we will meet again.
    Sherry, Don & all our fuzzies


  76. Denny Says:

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear sweet Fergus. He had a great home with you and yours. Thank you for giving him so much love. I’m thinking of you in this sad time.


  77. Sarah Says:

    Sorry for your loss. It always hurts when we lose a friend. You made his life a happy one!


  78. Christina Says:

    Oh I’m so very sorry to hear this. You are all in my prayers.


  79. Mary Says:

    Sorry for your loss…I just lost a rescued senior dog myself…emotionally beat up right now like I imagine you are. The risk of pain is what we take on when we love these wonderful creatures………They give us so much…the love, the happy contented looks of a happy home found. Logic tells us we gave them a wonderful home for their last months….but logic doesn’t cover this.. our heart still hurts for awhile. May your memories give you smiles and your heart eventually blossom open to love the next one.


  80. Ann in WI Says:

    I’m so sad hear about your loss. What a blessed little burro to have come to your home and care. He couldn’t have found a better place. His internet fan will miss him too. :,(

    {{HUGS}} to you all,
    Ann in WI


  81. Cheryl K Says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, you gave him a better life & he knew he was loved. God bless you


  82. Ian holland Says:

    I’m over from ” On the Way to critter farm” Just stopped in to say ” Sorry for your loss”. I can relate how tough it is.


  83. Cindy Says:

    Oh no. I am so sorry. 😦 Hugs hugs and more hugs. No words. I am so sorry. You will see him on the other side where he will be waiting for you. 😦


  84. Bibi Says:

    Beautiful, Beautiful boy….I am so sorry for all of you


  85. Gaina Says:

    ((Big Hugs)) I’m so very sorry to hear of his passing. R.I.P Fergus xx


  86. JaneK Says:

    I am so sad….. I just can’t believe it….. my prayers are with you as you mourn his departing. He was blessed to have you as his parents and he blessed you and all of us through what you shared…..


  87. Erika W. Says:

    I am truly sorry you lost your burro boy.
    Was he sick? 😦


  88. Winter Says:

    I’m holding you in my heart. Fergus was a gift to us all, we’ll miss him terribly.

    I know his sunny heart is lighting up a heavenly pasture.


  89. Tayloria Says:

    RIP Fergus. A beautiful boy who left behind so many fond memories. You will always be in our hearts. Gone, but never forgotten.


  90. Oh no!! Dear Justina and Don,
    Poor Fergus, he was so young!!
    I’m so very very sorry for your deep loss….
    I know that the pain of this loss is escruciating and you and Don are heartbroken and devastated…

    You really did a beautiful homage to your dear and adorable friend Fergus.

    Sending you and Don and to the family of Morning Bray Farm my heartfelt condolences.
    I’m close to you both in this sad moment.

    PS: I’m so sorry, only just now I saw this sad post about Fergus…


  91. Betsey Says:

    Rest in peace sweet angel.


  92. Dear Justina, you and me will not forget July 2011… Lovely Fergus, lovely Flora… We miss you both so much forever… (Sigh)


  93. martina Says:

    He was a very special boy and is still missed by many people-even those who never had the opportunity to meet him.


  94. Karl Chapman Says:

    what a beautiful picture


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